Handover of A.P. Pettarani Makassar Arterial Road Green Open Space Assets
The construction of the A.P Pettarani Elevated Toll Road Project requires MMN to carry out reforestation of trees planted along the median of the A.P Pettarani arterial road affected by the toll construction. In this regard, MMN is committed to implementing a Green Toll Road which ensures that the road construction pays attention to the surrounding environmental conditions in order to minimize the damage, one of which is by providing ecosystem protection and maintaining the trees. The follow-up action taken by MMN in this regard is to provide compensation for the addition of Green Open Space (RTH) in an area that has been determined by the Makassar city government as many as 5,060 trees. In addition, the Company also planted hundreds of main plants and shrubs under the A.P. Elevated Toll Road structure. Pettarani, along A.P Pettarani Arterial Road, in accordance with a request from the Makassar City Environmental Service.