Groundbreaking for Makassar New Port (MNP) Toll Access Road
PT Toll Road Section Four (JTSE) the business unit of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk in the toll road sector has again contributed to supporting economic growth, logistics systems and increasing regional exports by initiating infrastructure development in Makassar City, South Sulawesi.
New Tariffs for Section IV Makassar Toll Road
PT Jalan Tol Seksi Empat (JTSE) as the operator and management of the Section IV toll road, Makassar officially applied a periodic rate adjustments for road users.
International Webinar
PT Margautama Nusantara (MUN), a business unit of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk in the toll road sector, held an international webinar virtually entitled “Indonesia’s Toll Road Infrastructure Competitiveness in Global Perspective”.
Toll Disaster Emergency Response Cooperation
The management of PT Makassar Metro Network (MMN) & PT Jalan Tol Seksi Empat (JTSE), a subsidiary of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk in the toll road sector, together with PT Pertamina Patra Niaga signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Makassar Region Emergency Management Cooperation in Makassar.
EGMS 2021: PT Bintaro Serpong Damai (“BSD”)
Located at the Intermark Building, South Tangerang, the Management of PT Bintaro Serpong Damai (BSD Toll) held the 2021 EGMS which was held in part virtually with a meeting agenda regarding the approval and implementation of the company’s business development to support the implementation of the BSD Toll road project.
Handover of A.P. Pettarani Makassar Arterial Road Green Open Space Assets
The construction of the A.P Pettarani Elevated Toll Road Project requires MMN to carry out reforestation of trees planted along the median of the A.P Pettarani arterial road affected by the toll construction.
Handover of Assets Return of A.P. Pettarani Makassar Arterial Road Condition Restoration and Pavement Structure
The ±4.3 km long Ujung Pandang Toll Road Section 3 (A.P Pettarani Elevated Toll Road) was built on the national road, hence no land acquisition were required.
Bintaro Serpong Damai (BSD) Toll Road Implemented Digital E-Receipt
PT Bintaro Serpong Damai (BSD Toll), a business unit of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk in the toll road sector, continuously strived to improve its services to Pondok Aren-Serpong toll road users by providing convenience in printing receipts through electronic receipt digitization system (e-receipt).
The 2nd Mino Best Project Award (REAAA – Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia)
The pride of Makassar City, the A.P. Pettarani Elevated Toll Road won an award in the category of high-volume road at the prestigious “2nd Mino Best Project Award” held by Road Engineering for Asia and Australasia (REAA). The event was held virtually on 13-15 September 2021, in Manila.
Credit Facility for the Investment of Toll Road Business Development
Following the completion of two strategic projects, namely the construction of A.P. Pettarani Makassar Elevated Toll Road and Lau Gunung Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in North Sumatra, this time, Nusantara Infrastructure through its business sector on toll roads, namely PT Bintaro Serpong Damai (BSD), received financial support in the form of investment credit facilities worth Rp750 billion from PT Bank Central Asia Tbk which will be used to support the financing and development of toll road projects.