- 1,373.55
2020 - 614.00
2021 - 1,155.00
2022 - 1,399.00
2023 -
The Company is optimistic that it will be able to make a greater contribution to the progress of the national toll road industry through sustainable toll road asset management in order to spur even higher growth in the foreseeable future.
The Company ensures that toll revenue growth will be optimized to provide a positive impact on stakeholders, one of which is by continuing to provide optimal services so that toll road users feel safe and comfortable when crossing.
*(in million vehicles)
Compliance with Minimum Service Standards (SPM) is one of the Company’s main priorities in order to provide the best service for toll road users .
The core business of PT Margautama Nusantara is the construction, management and operation of toll roads in Indonesia. As a leading toll road operator, we strive to provide a service that meets national and international standards of construction quality and safety. All our projects are underpinned by the most stringent occupational health protocols, in tandem with government mandated environmental impact assessments of the physical and social environments that may be affected by the projects.
We are committed to:
PT Margautama Nusantara is committed to put service quality as a priority and provide reliable operations management. The Company will attain its objectives by relying on quality human resources development, prioritizing occupational.
Based on the mandate given by the Minister of Public Works No. 16/PRT/M/2014 on the Minimum Service Standards for Toll road. The Head of Indonesia Toll road Authority (BPJT) has issued a letter No. 03/KPTS/BPJT/ 2015 dated April 1, 2015 on the format of inspection and assessment report for fulfilling the Minimum Service Standards for Toll road. This letter issued by the Head of Toll road Authority has expanded the scope of Minimum Service Standards assessment.
The Company has undertaken a periodical maintenance program for toll roads to enhance the services in terms of road conditions and to enhance the capacity in delivering the services on the average cruising speed of toll road’s users. During 2015, the Company has also undertaken various road maintenance programs. The purpose is to maintain Minimum Service Standards and enhance the services on the toll roads, which include among others:
October 2021
September 2021 16th REAAA Conference
The AP Pettarani Elevated Toll Road won an award in the high-volume road category at the International 2nd Mino Best Project Award event organized by Road Engineering for Asia and Australasia (REAAA). This success was conveyed at the Second Mino Best Project Award Ceremony at the 16th REAAA Conference in Manila which was held virtually on September 13-15 2021 with the theme of "Shaping the Future of Road Engineering with Advance Technology". The AP Pettarani Elevated Toll Road project won the trust of the Indonesian Road Development Association (HPJI) to represent Indonesia. Mino Best Project Award is an award ceremony for the best new road and bridge projects located in the Asia and Australasia Region which is held every four years. Some of the countries are involved and participating in this event include Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Taiwan, Japan and Australia.
June 2021
November 2020-June 2021 Awards from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT)
Three (3) business units of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk in the toll road sector have won awards from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). The three awards are: •Bintaro Serpong Damai (BSD Toll Road) as the best BUJT, cooperative and responsive from the results of Fulfillment of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for toll roads throughout Indonesia. •Makassar Metro Network (MMN) and Toll Road Section Four (Ujung Pandang Toll Road Sections 1 & 2) won an award in fifth (5) as a toll road based on road conditions. •Jakarta Lingkar Baratsatu (JORR W1 Toll Road) as a BUJT ranked fifth (5) is cooperative and responsive based on the fulfillment of SPM. This award is a motivation for all parties to continue working to develop the country by providing quality toll road infrastructure by providing the best service to the community, especially road users
April 2021
April 2021 Awards Won by Makassar Toll
Makassar Metro Network (MMN) Company managed to get 7 (seven) awards consisting of 5 (five) awards from the Manpower Office of South Sulawesi Province and 2 (two) others were Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. The award with the SILVER category was obtained for the Company's success in carrying out the COVID-19 Prevention and Control (P2P) Program. Another appreciation that was also obtained by the Company was related to the Zero Accident Award at the National level. All of these appreciations are given as a form of the Company's implementation and achievements in implementing the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) & P2P Covid-19 program in 2020
April 2021
April 2021 South Sulawesi Digifest 2021
At the South Sulawesi Digital Festival on April 9, 2021, PT Makassar Metro Network (MMN) and PT Jalan Tol Section Four (JTSE) received appreciation from Bank Indonesia (BI) as the first Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) in Indonesia to implement a non-cash payment system using QR Code (QRIS CPM) on Toll Roads. Collaborate with DANA as a Payment Service Provider (PSP), Makassar Toll Management has created innovations by providing alternative options for non-cash toll payments other than using electronic money (E-Money). This alternative toll payment is certainly in line with the government's program to improve the non-cash payment system. Especially during the Pandemic-Covid-19 to minimize the touch when paying tolls
February 2020
February 12th, 2020 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Program
The First Award, Management achievements that have successfully implemented occupational safety and health programs up to 1,860,096 working hours without any work accidents (zero accident) starting from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2019. The second award is given for the performance of the Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Committee (P2K3) which has carried out its duties properly by creating a conducive and safe atmosphere in the Company's work environment. The third award is for the team's achievement in terms of compliance with the implementation of labor laws above 80%. The fourth award was achieved by the Management for the best performance of the Company which has implemented an occupational safety and health (OHS) system in all of the Company's work areas.
November 2019
November 26th, 2019 Tax Awards
PT Jalan Tol Section Four (JTSE) won an award at the "Tax Award 2019: Achieving Taxpayer"
November 2019
7 November 2019 Gold Achievement pada The 8th Indonesia Operational Exellence Conference and Awards (Opexcon)
PT Jalan Tol Section Four (JTSE) as a subsidiary of PT Margautama Nusantara (MUN) won the Gold Achievement award in the category Service at the 8th Annual Indonesia Operational Excellence Conference Award 2019 with the theme "Opex 4.0: Process Excellence, People Transformation & Digital Innovation" organized by SHIFT Indonesia.
November 2018
ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2018
The Company supports the movement of Environmental Care to Support the Successful Movement of Planting One Billion Trees Throughout 2015. As a result of its efforts, the Company receives an award from the Local Government of South Tangerang Municipality.
November 2015
Environmental Care Award from the Head of Environment Agency of South Tangerang
The Company supports the movement of Environmental Care to Support the Successful Movement of Planting One Billion Trees Throughout 2015. As a result of its efforts, the Company receives an award from the Local Government of South Tangerang Municipality.
May 2015
Quality Assurance Certificate ISO 9001:2008
May 2015
ISO Certificate 14001:2004
May 2015
OHSAS Certificate 18001:2007
February 2015
Safety and Health Management Award by the Administratives of the City of Makassar
The Mayor of Makassar awards the Company for its Concern and Commitment in Implementing the Principles of Occupational Safety and Health Management to the Company Management thus, allowing Zero Accident Level at the Workplace.
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